Monday, February 27, 2012

Finished Piece #1

Here is one of my finished pieces, like I promised (and on time too! ;P). This was an assignment that we did in class to focus on how highlights and shadows define shape. It was also the first drawing I ever did with black and white charcoal on toned paper. I was (and still am) extremely proud of how it came out. I am very happy with the way I captured the highlights and shadows on the bow. I took nearly twice as long as most of the other people in my class to do this, but you probably know how high school art classes go (I was one of the only people there to seriously work on art).

Looking back on this piece, I probably would have added a shadow underneath the bow to give it some sense of place/ weight. I'm not sure if I left it out on purpose, or if there was just no shadow from the angle I was looking at it. It was over a year ago so I honestly can't remember haha.

Hope you enjoy this piece of art and once again, I always welcome comments and constructive criticism!


  1. If you had to guess, how long did it take you to create the effects? To be honest, it would take me about a year compared to what you can do within the deadlines of a high school class. Bravo.

  2. Hmmm, well I did this piece so long ago that it's tough to remember but if I had to guess, it probably took 4-5 class periods. And if every class period is approximately 45 minutes, I would have to say about 3-4 hours total. I did this piece by first sketching the outlines of each segment of the bow and then it was just a matter of observation. I'm sure you could make a piece like this with a little practice :)
