Monday, April 2, 2012

Digital Painting #1

So here's even more variety! This was some Harry Potter fan art that I did about a year and a half ago. (If you aren't familiar with Harry Potter, it's a dementor, as I originally envisioned it in my head). I used a Wacom Intuous 4 graphics tablet to draw this digitally in Photoshop CS4. The dementor was drawn entirely in Photoshop, from sketch to finish, using a few different layers and simple brushes. The background was a combination of a cloud brush I have and some filters, all different colors and at different opacities. I would consider this to be my first real digital painting, and I was very proud of how it came out.

I wish I had more of this type of work to show now, but with school, and sports, and the other thousand things I do, I don't have too much spare time for my own art. So, this will probably be the only digital art for some time. I hope to do more digital art once I graduate from high school in June. But for the upcoming weeks, I will be back to posting my schoolwork: traditional pieces of some kind or another.

As always, thoughts and feedback would be awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I really like this one... hardly looks like an amateur's work... can't wait to see what you come up with when you are formally trained for years at SCAD.. Really like this blog... great way for all of us to stay in touch with your progress....
